
Wednesday, March 18, 2020

buy custom Good Programming essay

buy custom Good Programming essay The development of systems and programs in the modern world has a significant impact in the lives of people. These impacts can both be intended and unintended and, some can be harmful while others useful. The invention and implementation of systems changes the lives of people by interfering with their realities and expectations. As system developers develop new systems every day, the question is whether they should be held responsible for the consequence of their inventions or not. With the rights and freedom attached to every person in the world toady, it would be easy to leave the developers with no blame as people are free to us the inventions or not use. In this discussion, we look at various technological inventions and their ethical implication. We then analyze whether the designers need to worry about these implications. The systems and programs being developed every day also have some detrimental effects that are normally small but accumulate over time. These effects could have extremely harmful effects in the long run, for instance, each automobile releases a very small amount of pollution, almost negligible. However, when it is combined for thousands of automobiles in use today and over time, global warming cannot be controlled. Good program depends on the designs and having a sense of ethical issues. Technological inventions have helped individuals and companies amplify their ability, strength, strategic advantage over other human beings. Strategic advantage has been gained by companies who have embraced technological inventions and have thus expanded rapidly. This has led to expansion and growth of such companies over those that still hold on the traditional means of productions. Technological inventions have also earned many individuals considerable influence in the world, for instance, Bill Ga tes has gained so much influence in the world even outside the computer industries. Buy custom Good Programming essay

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Ranking and Social Inequality

Ranking and Social Inequality Ranking is a characteristic of complex societies in which different persons within a society have different quantities or qualities of power, rights and responsibilities. As societies grow in complexity, different tasks are assigned to specific people, called craft specialization. Sometimes specialization leads to status changes. The study of ranking and social inequality in archaeology is based on the anthropological and economic studies of Elman Service (Primitive Social Organization, 1962) and Morton Fried (Evolution of Political Societies, 1967). Service and Fried argued that there are two ways in which ranking of people in a society is arrived at: achieved and ascribed status. Achieved status results from being a warrior, artisan, shaman, or other useful profession or talent. and ascribed status (inherited from a parent or other relative). Ascribed status is based on kinship, which as a form of social organization ties the status of an individual within a group to descent, such as dynastic kings or hereditary rulers. Ranking and Archaeology In egalitarian societies, goods and services are spread relatively evenly among the population. High-ranking individuals in a community can be identified archaeologically by studying human burials, where differences in grave contents, the health of an individual or his or her diet can be examined. Ranking can also be established by the difference sizes of houses, the locations within a community, or the distribution of luxury or status items within a community. Sources for Ranking This glossary entry is a part of the About.com Guide to the Characteristics of Ancient Civilizations, and part of the Dictionary of Archaeology. A fairly brief bibliography of ranking and social stratification has been collected for this entry.